Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In terms of Physical body

VYANA Governs the movement of energy from head down to the Naval which is the Pranic center.

APANA Governs the movement of energy from the Naval down to the mooladhara and all the way down to the feet.

UDANA Governs the movement of energy from the naval up to the head.

The naval is the main Prana center in the body, in which all Pranas are held like the spokes in the center of the wheel.

Special Note: Most of us are only “PART TIME YOGIS” and a judicious combination of all the above diets will give us enough strength – Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.

Non-Vegetarians often ask a question --- “What about Proteins?”

Protein is built from amino acids. There are 22 amino acids used in the body. The body itself is able to produce 13 of them. The other 9 are referred to as “essential amino acids” which the body gets from the food. Most of the essential amino acids are found in abundance in food (Yes, even in Vegetarian diet). So eating a variety of food would help us get most of the amino acids. For the critical amino acids, remember the grains are relatively high is tryptophone and methionine and legumes are relatively high in lysine. So combine one grain and one legume to get a complete protein (Ideal is 2/3 grain 1/3 Legume). Eg;: Rice & Beans, Pasta & Tofu. We also get “Complete” protein by combining a grain or legume with milk.

Eg; Oats meal with milk.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

PRAANA(Forward moving AIR)

It governs reception of all types from eating food, drinking water and inhalation of air to the reception of sensory impress ions. This is the vital energy in the head primarily the region of the third eye, which nourishes the brain. It provides positive energy for all the other Praanas

Green leafy vegetables and sprouts that grow quickly. These are stimulating, cooling and purifying. These foods, particularly if combined with mild aromatic spice combined with mild aromatic spice like ginger, coriander or mint promote Praana considerably.

APAANA(AIR that moves away)

Apaana moves downward and outward. It governs the elimination of stool and the urine, the expelling of semen, menstrual fluid and fetus and the elimination of the Carbon-di-oxide through the breath. On a deeper level Apaana eliminates the Negative sensory, emotional and mental Experiences. It is the basis of our immune Functions at all levels.

Apaana foods are that grow beneath the earth. Mainly root vegetables like potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes. They increase strength endurance and Ojas but can be a little heavy. Roots can contain great vital energy. This category includes special powerful root Herbs like Aswagandha and Shatavari as powerful tonics to Reproductive system, which is Ruled by Apana. At the same time foods that develop from the ground like garlic, onion and mushrooms are tamasic in nature and hence yogis should avoid them.

UDAANA(Upward moving air)

Udaana moves upward. It governs growth of our body, the ability to stand, speech, effort, enthusiasm and will. This is the vital energy in the throat that governs speech and self-expression and holds the head up through the neck.

Udaana foods are fruits and nuts that grow above the trees. They contain more of ether elements and nourish the deeper mind and heart. They can be taken by themselves and are very wholesome, light and balancing

SAMAANA(Balancing air)

Samaana moves from the periphery to the center through a churning and discerning action. It works in gastro intestinal tract to digest food. In the lungs to absorb oxygen and in the mind to digest the experiences whether sensory, emotional or mental. It is the vital energy in the naval where our energy is centered and where digestion occurs.

Samaana foods are mainly whole grains which have balancing effect, particularly rice, this is why whole grains should be foundation of all diets. Diary products, which are predigested food, come under Samana as well as does honey and raw sugars. Such foods are nourishing but not heavy, unless taken in excess and very easy to digest.

VYAANA(Outward moving AIR)

Vyana moves from the center to the periphery. It governs circulation on all levels. Vyana moves the water and oxygen through out the body and keeps our emotions and thoughts circulating in the mind, imparting movement and providing strength. In doing so, it assists all other Pranas in their work. Vyana is the vital energy in the heart and lungs where our energy expands.

Vyaana food are those which spreads on the ground like squash, melons, strawberries, tomatoes and beans. These are strengthening and stimulating and help our energy expand. They are usually taken along with grains or Samana food. Please note that strawberries and tomatoes have a tendency to develop rajasic quality. So yogis can avoid or use less of these items.